Opportunities for Schools

City Harvest welcomes children ages 10 and up to lend a hand at volunteer repacks! Volunteers repack food from large containers into family-sized bags to be more easily distributed to New Yorkers in need.

Field Trips
We are welcoming school groups ages 6-9 for field trips to our Food Rescue Center in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, where students will learn about our work, have a guided tour of our warehouse, and participate in a hands-on volunteer activity.

Food Drives
Help keep the shelves stocked at our partner food pantries by starting a food drive with your school or community group.

Downloadable Coloring Activity
Color or draw on one of our downloadable illustrations, then help spread the word about our work feeding NYC’s children or mail it in to thank our drivers.

Reduce Food Waste
Teach your class about fighting food waste at school and at home.